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Record SUPSM0008488

Private Structures/Uses

Record Status: Issued


Required Documents (Conditions of Approval)


Work Location


Record Details

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For your outstanding fees:

  • To view details of fees owed, select the Attachments tab above and select Payment Reminder report, or select Reports in the upper right corner and select Fees Due Statement.
  • For additional information on paying fees, see How to Find and Pay Fees Due for an Application or Permit.
  • IMPORTANT: If your fees are billed, your invoice is available on your monthly Invoice record. Fees are only displayed and payable on the related application or permit record. For additional information, see How to Find and Pay your Street Use Invoice.

For your paid fees:

  • To view or print your receipt, select the View Receipts link.
  • To view or print a report of all fees assessed and payments received to date, select Reports in the upper right corner and select Payment and Fee Detail.


Click HERE for information about Scheduling and Scheduled Inspections. Street Use inspections are added automatically. If an inspection is Pending, click the Actions drop down to Schedule a date.

Pending and Scheduled

You have not added any inspections.

Click the Actions dropdown to:
  • Tell us about your Job Start (and update your scheduled Initial Inspection)
  • Schedule an inspection that is Pending
Note: a 2 business day advance notice is required to schedule an inspection





To access or upload documents other than the permit document:
  • You must be logged in to your Seattle Services Portal account.
  • You must be a contact or delegate on the permit.

For New Applications

Upload the required document(s). After the document(s) have been uploaded, choose the Document Type from the drop-down menu that matches the name of the required document. If a required document is missing, a document requirement notice, also referred to as a Condition(s), will appear on the top of the page. Refer to our help articles in How to Upload Documents for step-by-step instructions. 

During Review When Document Updates are Required

To satisfy a Condition(s), upload the required document and choose the Document Type from the drop-down menu that matches the name of the Condition that is due. For example, if the Condition name is Right of Way Impact Plan, choose the Right of Way Impact Plan Document Type from the drop-down menu. Then, provide an optional description and click Save. When all current Conditions are satisfied, your record status should change to indicate Submitted (Documents Submitted, Additional Info Submitted, or Corrections Submitted). Please refresh your page to see the change. If your record status does not change, there is still a Condition that requires a Document Type of the same name to be uploaded. Refer to our help articles in How to Upload Documents for step-by-step instructions.

The maximum file size allowed is 1000 MB.
386;3gr;add;ade;adp;asp;bas;bat;cad;chm;cmd;com;com;cpl;crt;dbx;dif;dll;docm;dot;dotm;dotx;dwg;dxf;exe;fon;hlp;hta;htm;html;inf;ins;isp;jar;js;jse;lib;lnk;mdb;mde;mht;mhtml;msc;msi;msp;mst;ocx;odt;pcd;php;pif;ppt;pptm;pptx;prn;rar;reg;rtf;scr;sct;shb;shs;slk;sys;txt;url;vb;vb[usrv:es];vbe;vbs;vxd;wps;ws[usrv:cfh];wsc;wsf;wsh;xla;xlam;xlsb;xlsm;xlt;xml;zip are disallowed file types to upload.

Custom Component

Notes from SDCI (0 total, newest first):


Right Of Way Management

No ROWM data available at this time.

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